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Today the World Came Together in Abu Dhabi

29 Oktober 2012 Von: Re-Engineering Australia Foundation

30 team, 180+ students, 22 Nations have assembled in Abu Dhabi for the 2012 F1inSchools World Final. Today was the first time they met and for many collaboration teams the first time they had met as a team. 

While some of the students were concerned about the transport and the accomodation arrangments, all worries have now been allayed, except that is, for the need to drink camel milk each morning. That one seems to be pushing the envelope a little to far for most.

The members of Rapid Motion, a collaboration of students from Engadine High School and a school in Germany were one of the teams which met as a team for the first time. The students soon realised the value face to face interaction has over electronic communcation when it come to alligning their energies. They're now all focused on becoming the first collaboration team to ever win the World Final.

Students from all nations meet at a gift exchange.

The first official activity for the students was a gift exchange where the teams swapped national tokens and mementoes. While the regulation boomerangs and koals were well sort after a few of the teams thought we were being poisoned when it came to the Vegimite.

It didn't matter where the students origonated from they came together in a wonderfully harmoneous environment where many friendships were formed which will last a life time.

Learning about local culture.

After the gift exchange the students were given an open air bus tour of  Abu Dhabi and some of the spectacular buildings and monuments.

So as the sun sets on the first day the students were all heading back to the hotel to again practice their presentations and prepare for the competition propper which gets under way tomorrow at 7:30am.